That Google Data Leak and SEO

Google Search API leak

In May a prominent figure in the SEO world, Rand Fishkin, shared information about what was supposedly a significant leak of Google Search API documents. The documentation was then confirmed as authentic by some ex-Google employees. Google itself responded by urging caution. Some of our inquisitive clients have been aware of the leak and asked […]

Quality Content Holds Fast in March Core Update

Quality holds fast in Google March 2024 core update

One thing we will not have to be reporting to our clients when we write their March marketing reviews next week is any adverse effects of the Google 5th March Update. Why not? Because it hasn’t affected any of our customers. And again, why not? Because informative, quality content was not the target of the […]

How to Build SEO-Friendly Websites

How to build SEO-friendly websites

Our first reaction, as a B2B website design and digital marketing company, is to say ask your local web designer. If you want your website to perform well in the search engines, then it would be natural to say look for a local SEO agency. However, we’ve often found that design and SEO are mutually […]

DIY SEO vs Using a Digital Agency

How we do SEO

You’ve got a brand-new website design and now you need traffic and leads to drive sales for your business. What do you do next? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an effective way to raise your website profile in the search engine results pages (SERPs). What’s more, it’s commonly understood to get “free” traffic. And this […]

Here Comes the Google Helpful Content Update

Google Useful Content Update

Google has announced its latest “helpful content update” which will help articles written by humans for humans rank better than content developed purely to trick the search engines…

Getting Your Business Noticed Online

Getting your business noticed online.

As a full-service marketing agency we’re going to talk about getting your business noticed from a digital perspective. That means all the online tactics and digital strategies… Organic Listings When you first build your website, getting indexed and ranked in the search engines is essential. After all, if you’re not in the search engines, how […]

5 Good Reasons to Maintain Your Marketing Budget

Five good reasons to maintain your marketing budget.

  Whenever there’s talk about an economic downturn, or even a recession, the commercial conversations usually turn the subject of marketing and, more specifically, speculation about reducing marketing spend.     It happened during the financial crisis of 2007-2009 and again during the time of the worldwide COVID pandemic starting in 2020. Business owners considered […]

Landing Page Design with SEO in Mind

Landing Page Design with SEO in Mind

Landing page design is the creation of webpages purely for advertising or marketing campaigns, with the primary goal of converting visitors into customers or subscribers. However, whilst digital marketers have made the landing page this very specific type of webpage, technically speaking ANY page in a website that a user can land on, through organic […]

Common SEO Mistakes and Their Solutions: Blog Posts

Man working on a white laptop while leaning against the wall.

Writing blog posts is easy. You open WordPress, throw in a heading, and type away until you’re finished. Then you hit the publish button and, voila, you have a blog post. You share it on social media, job done! Err, not quite. Do you think that’s how the BBC write news stories? First, Your Subject […]

Web Design, Page Speed and SEO: The Devil’s in the Detail

Web Design, Page Speed and SEO: The Devil’s in the Detail

  Businesses looking for a local web design agency will often view the company’s portfolio and make a business decision based upon what they see. We totally appreciate that because a good-looking website design is the perfect opportunity to make a great first impression for both your brand and your services. There is, however, a […]