Blog Writing: Tips on How to Get the Most from your Blogging Endeavours.
Blogs are a hugely beneficial aspect of every website. Clever Marketing look at the reasons why you should add a business blog and what you should do to optimise it.
What’s So Important about Having a Blog?
Every business should be blogging. There really isn’t a question about it anymore, so we’re not making it a suggestion – we’re telling you. Write a blog.
Content is King – For People or Search Engines?
Content is King, the saying goes. But is that for people or search engines, who do you write for?
How to Write Better Sales Copy
“I’m not trying to write a novel, I’m just trying to sell a product”
We hear similar arguments time and time again when talking to businesses about the importance of copywriting. The thing is: writing good sales copy, the kind that pulls a reader in, builds trust and results in conversion, is as much of a delicate craft as writing fiction. Why?