How Should Your Business Respond to Google Algorithm Updates?

How should your business react to Google algorithm updates?

If your company website’s ranking and traffic has dropped since a Google algorithm update, and it’s still not bounced back, you’ll be looking for a strategy to recover. In this post we look at the history of Google algorithm changes, how you should approach the issue, and what you should do about it. Here’s what […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Google’s Algorithm Changes

Panda and Penguin - just two of the updates to Google's ranking algorithm that have caused a stir in the SEO world.

In recent years, Google has rolled out a number of updates to its search algorithm to provide better and more relevant results to its users. In fact, Google makes hundreds of changes to its algorithm each year, and many pass by rather quietly without having any discernible impact on websites. However, there are a few updates […]