8: Get Social

8: Get Social

You’ve done everything you can from installing all the right tools, doing your keyword research, auditing, refreshing or rebuilding your website, reviewing your content strategy and doing your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and your Pay Per Click (PPC).

How to use Vine in your Marketing Strategy

Actually doing social media right

We’ve spoken before on this blog about how to utilise Twitter and Instagram, but not really touched on Vine. It’s arguably one of the lesser-known of the big social media marketing networks, and like Snapchat, its real value is often underestimated or overlooked.

5 Reasons Why LinkedIn is Your Secret B2B Marketing Weapon

When I say social media, what do you think of? Instagram, Twitter, Facebook? Maybe even Vine and YouTube? You probably don’t think about LinkedIn. Traditionally a platform for Silicon Valley professionals, in the past it has been used for recruitment and self-promotion rather than any kind of brand marketing.