Traditional Terms Still Used in the Digital World

We were discussing in the design studio how a lot of the work we do in digital today has its roots in much older traditions. These “old school” words, terms, and concepts have stood the test of time and are still in use in the twenty-first century. So, let’s have a quick look at the […]

Five Reasons Why Print Ads are Still Relevant in an Increasingly Digital World

Print ads are still relevant

The internet will constantly tell you that print is dead. That newspaper and magazine ads have had their day, and you should focus all of your efforts and budget into your online presence and digital ads. In fact, more and more brands are pulling out of the print arena altogether. Should you, too? Hold On […]

Are my Photos Good Enough for my Brochure?

Are my photos good enough for my brochure?

How many times have you had to send photos to the company producing your brochure, only to be told they are not suitable, or to be disappointed with the final result?

Print’s Not Dead!

Print's not dead!

As technology continues to develop and change the way we do business, many have turned their back on traditional print. Whilst digital marketing like email newsletters, organic SEO, PPC advertising and social media can deliver great results, integrating online marketing with traditional print can be a more powerful marketing tool, so make it part of […]