Business Processes: Beef Up Your Lead Capture & Conversion 

As a full-service digital marketing agency in Surrey, Hampshire, and Berkshire, Clever Marketing offers the whole range of design, print, digital, web design, SEO, PPC, and social media services. That’s a lot to offer for a small company but we punch well above our weight due to a couple of very good reasons: 

      1. We’re highly experienced: Our in-house designers have over 70 years of experience between them, from print to digital brochures, typesetting, and website design. In SEO we have nearly twenty-five years of experience from just one of our SEO experts, and in PPC and web design there’s at least 10 years expertise from each of our professionals.

        1. We are experts: That very same experience means that our team are all experts in their fields, some of them being multi-disciplined (E.g. content + SEO or SEO + web development)

      We’re also much more than that. Clever Marketing offers sage business advice too, from years of commercial experience. One of our team even ran a B2B marketing and services website for 14 years before bringing their expertise to the CMUK fold.

      Value Added Digital Marketing

      A key area that we see quite regularly, particularly amongst the smaller companies, is a lack of business process, especially in their sales and marketing endeavours.

      A common issue is the tracking and conversion of leads we send to local businesses. The scenario often goes like this:

       A local firm finds our website via an organic search on Bing or Google, usually using “digital agency near me” or “SEO Surrey” and then, after a good conversation, they join us, take out a digital retainer for web design, SEO, and PPC, and we send them regular leads.

      Job done.

      Well, not quite.

      Because there’s a cost of acquisition for every phone call, email enquiry, form fill, or chatbot conversation; every lead we send has a monetary value. And here’s where we often find a further issue…

          • What if you miss your phone call?

          • What if you don’t see your phone messages for hours?

          • Are you receiving your emails?

          • Is your team responding to emails or form fills, and in a timely manner?

          • Do you record all leads, and can you match them with all the ones we’ve sent to you?

          • Do you know where your leads came from and what the value of them is?

          • What is your internal conversion rate? Do you close more sales than you drop?

        At Clever Marketing, we fulfil our obligations to make your business more visible, and to attract all those leads. Organisations then owe it to themselves to have the best processes in place to ensure that they’re making the most of their sales and marketing budget.

        However, we also add value to our customers by consulting on these processes and suggesting a plan of action for further improvement.

        Business Process Improvement

        A customer came to us looking for PPC services. They’d completely overspent on their previous campaigns, had no leads, and were in dire financial straits. We conducted a PPC audit and saved them 80% of their ad spend, focused on local targeting, and now have a steady stream of regular leads. That was 6 years ago. They have now grown and opened new branches of their business across the UK.

        Another client was dropping calls. We were generating a regular flow of calls daily. The average order value of each conversion was £2,000 and they converted 90% of the enquiries, However, by not picking up the phone they’d missed 70 calls. They’d effectively not converted more than £120,000 worth of business. Now, with one of their staff members assigned to picking up all the calls, and answering all the emails, forms, and bot chats, that’s over £100,000 added to their bottom line.

        One customer came to us for SEO and B2B digital marketing services. We looked at their existing landing pages and their lead capture process. Even after going through two digital agencies already, they said “our form has never worked”. A red flag like that set our web dev team into overdrive and we worked on their website and very closely with their IT support contractor to ensure that every email and form from their website now works 100%. We see a regular stream of B2B enquiries to their company and they’re so happy that their lead capture is finally working. Their internal processes are excellent, so it was purely a web and IT technical issue that we helped them with.

        Or how about the business owner who “doesn’t do detail”? Whilst we always create comprehensive marketing strategy documents and  reports, sometimes “drawing a picture” is the right solution. And that’s what we did, illustrating the process for our client who was absolutely delighted and could immediately see what we were doing that a lengthy document couldn’t tell him.

        More than Just B2B Digital Marketing

        By closely monitoring the lead generation process, liaising regularly with clients, and asking those very simple but effective questions about the quality of their leads, we discovered and helped improve their internal processes.

        That is the added value customers get from working with Clever Marketing – we’re more than your usual digital marketing agency because we have the passion, the skills, the experience, and a holistic approach to digital marketing and business that you just don’t get with other firms.

        If you want to work with a digital agency that works with you on your entire end-to-end process, we can help you. 

        Call us now on 01276 402 381 and we’ll happily discuss any business process to help you convert all the leads and enquiries that we will generate, be that through new landing page design, any SEO work, a PPC campaign, or all these digital marketing strategies together. 

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        Unlock your business potential with a

        Free, Honest, No-Obligation
        Digital Marketing Review

        Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency that delivers real
        results? We’re here to turn your clicks into customers. 
        Let us help you get those inquiries flowing!

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